These General terms determine the relations between the Buyer and ETO-design online store regarding the procedure of ordering products, product prices, conditions and methods of payment, delivery of products and the Buyer’s rights of written complaint about the products and services of ETO-design online store, the right to contract termination, delivery of products and other services that ETO-design online store offers, protection of personal and other data and other questions important to the conclusion of sale-purchase contracts through Internet trade. The conditions of business are subject to the Customer Protection Law, Electronic Commerce Law, Law of Obligations and other valid regulations of the Republic of Croatia. ETO-design online store retains the right to alter the Conditions and provisions at any time. All changes will be publicized through the Internet page of the ETO-design online store and will come into force at the time of their publication on the Internet pages. Any change of Conditions will apply to purchases made after the publication of those changes. By using ETO-design online store you commit to respect the General conditions and provisions listed below. The Buyer states that they have read and accept these General conditions prior to the purchase; the Conditions will be attached to the e-mail message to the Buyer that confirms the conclusion of the contract. These Conditions and provisions are seen as a constituent part of all sale-purchase agreements between the Buyer and ETO-design online store.
Company name: A1 FORMAT j.d.o.o.
OIB: 44050247824
Competent court: Trgovački sud u Zagrebu
MBS: 080823803
Address: D. Bazjanca 29, 10000 Zagreb
Contact number: +385 (0) 959021044
Email: webshop@ETO-design.hr, reklamacije@ETO-design.hr
Giro account: HR7523600001102321473
Bank: Zagrebačka banka d.d.
In the further text the above company is called the Seller
The Buyer of the products is any natural person who purchases products through the ETO-design online store in the manner determined in these General terms of business, that is, who choses at least one product, places it into the basket, pays by e-banking, a general payment slip or a credit/debit card, and sends the order to the Seller.
The Buyer can only be an adult person of legal capacity. A sale-purchase contract in the name of minors and persons of full legal incapacity may be concluded by their legal representatives or guardians. Persons of partial legal incapacity may conclude a contract only with the agreement of their legal representative or guardian. The Seller does not bear any responsibility in the contravention of this provision.
By accepting the Terms of business, the Buyer states that all the personal data given is true and complete, that they are of legal capacity and that there are no impediments known to them for the ordering and purchase of products from the Seller, that is, for the purchase through the Internet trade.
By visiting and using ETO-design.hr online store you accept electronic communication. With this, you accept that all agreements, notifications, releases and other contents that are sent to you electronically satisfy the legal frameworks in the same manner as if they were sent in writing.
In the case that the visitor or user does not have an e-mail address or enters an incorrect one or that due to technical reasons is unable to receive e-mail, the Seller is not obliged to attempt to notify the user in other ways about the order or other possible details relating to the order, delivery, payment, refund, complaint and similar.
All prices shown in the online store are in Croatian Kuna and include the Value Added Tax and are valid for all methods of payment.
SALE PRICES are valid only during a SALE. Postponement of sending or receiving products on sale is possible only if the products have been paid for in advance whether by payment to a transaction account or by card.
Resending or delivery of uncollected shipments is not possible at the same prices.
The products are ordered electronically, and a product can be ordered by a registered user and an unregistered user – visitor. Registration is done by creating a user account. Registration is free. During registration the User creates a user name and password. The User is responsible for all activity and orders made under their user’s name.
The registered user/buyer bears the responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the data entered during registration and purchase. An unregistered user can also order products by filling in the required information and proceeding with the order.
The product is ordered through the cart. The Contract is completed once the Buyer makes an order and ETO-design online store will notify the Buyer about the conclusion of the Contract by sending an Order confirmation by e-mail message. The Order confirmation contains information about the order, delivery address, method of payment, price/prices, contact details for ETO-design online store and other data according to the Law. Together with the Order confirmation, the Buyer will be sent also the General terms of business of Internet trade and the Notification about the right to unilateral contract termination whose constituent part is the Form on the right to unilateral termination of contract; by accepting these Conditions the Buyer gives explicit consent that the General terms of business and the Notification about the right to unilateral contract termination, whose constituent part is the Form on the right to unilateral contract termination, are sent to them in the above mentioned manner, that is, by electronic mail.
After the Order confirmation has been sent, the Buyer may change the order only by contacting the ETO-design online store on: webshop@ETO-design.hr
The Buyer can pay for their order at ETO-design online store by clicking on ”Pay by card” in the case of card payment, or by clicking ”Order” in the case of payment by Internet banking or a general payment slip/transfer. The cart will show the total amount of the purchase (including delivery costs) before the payment is made.
The basket will show the total amount of the purchase (including delivery costs) before the payment is made.
In the event that ETO-design online store is not able to deliver a certain product in the estimated time due to shortages in the warehouse or because it is no longer possible to order it from the supplier, ETO-design will notify the Buyer by electronic post in writing by sending the Notice of delayed delivery of ordered goods; the Buyer may cancel the order or possibly accept a new delivery date.
In the event that the Buyer cancels the order, ETO-design online store shall reimburse the monies paid to the Buyer as soon as possible and at the latest within 14 days of the date when the delay began.
The Buyer can pay for the products and services in one of the following ways:
- credit and debit cards: : Mastercard®, Maestro®, Visa i Diners by Monri Payment system
- One-time
- Installments 2-6
- Maestro® (PBZ, ECC)
- Visa (PBZ, ECC)
- Visa Premium ex. Amex (PBZ Card)
- Diners (ECC)
- Installments 2-24
- Mastercard® (Zaba)
- Visa (Zaba)
- Keks pay
- credit and debit cards one-time payments: Mastercard®, Maestro®, Visa by MyPOS Payment system
- Internet banking or general payment slip/transfer
Payment details:
A1 FORMAT j.d.o.o.,
OIB: 44050247824
D. Bazjanca 29, 10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR7523600001102321473
The privacy of your data is protected and secured using SSL encryption. Online payment pages are secured using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit data encryption. SSL encryption is the process of encrypting data to prevent unauthorised access during upload.
This allows for the secure transmission of information and prevents unauthorised access to data during communication between the user’s computer and the WebPay service, and vice versa.
The WebPay service and financial institutions exchange data using a virtual private network (VPN), which is protected from unauthorised access.
Monri Payments Gateway is certified under the PCI DSS Level 1 security standard prescribed by Mastercard and Visa policies.
MyPOS osigurava potpunu tajnost Vaših kartičnih podataka već od trenutka kad ih upišete u MyPOS platni formular. Payment information is transmitted encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your card. The seller does not store credit card numbers, and these numbers are not available to unauthorised persons.
MyPOS considers all collected information to be a bank secret and treats it accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which it is intended. Your sensitive data is completely secure, and its privacy is guaranteed by state-of-the-art security mechanisms. Only the data necessary to perform the work in accordance with the prescribed demanding procedures for online payment are collected.
MyPOS meets all requirements related to the security of onlinepayments prescribed by leading card brands, ie operates in accordance with the standard – PCI DSS Level 1 – the highest security standard of the payment card industry. When paying with cards included in the 3-D Secure program, your bank, in addition to the validity of the card itself, additionally confirms your identity using a token or password.

The ordered items are sent by the Croatian post delivery service as ‘recorded delivery’ within 5 working days from the day of the receipt of the order/payment (mostly also earlier) and the GLS delivery service within 2 days. Exceptionally, due to the sell-out of a particular product, or unforeseen circumstances, the delivery may last slightly longer than the above term, of which you would be notified by e-mail.
Delivery costs are calculated according to the price list agreed with the courier service:
- Registered mail (5 to 7 working days) for all locations in the territory of the RH for orders up to 250 gm: 20,00 kn
- Registered mail (5 to 7 working days) for all locations in the territory of the RH for orders between 251 and 500 gm: 25,00 kn
- Registered mail (5 to 7 working days) for all locations in the territory of the RH for orders between 501 and 1000 gm: 30,00 kn
- Registered mail (5 to 7 working days) for all locations in the territory of the RH for orders between 1001 and 2000 gm: 35,00 kn
- DELIVERY IS FREE for orders of a total greater than 500,00 kn.
Delivery outside Croatia is calculated according to the price list agreed with the courier service:
- Up to 250 gm – 85,00 kn
- from 251 to 500 gm – 114,00 kn
- from 501 to 500 gm – 142,00 kn
- from 1001 to 2000 gm – 180,00 kn
In the event that the courier service alters the cost of delivery, the Seller will clearly display the new prices in the online store web site.
Regretfully, we are not in able to influence the speed of delivery or possible complications connected to the delivery generated by the delivery service.
In the event that the Buyer is not at the delivery address during the attempt of a delivery, the delivery service will leave a notice with the delivery number and further instructions.
In the event that the Buyer orders the goods and refuses to receive them, ETO-design has the right to withhold the Buyer’s payment amount.
In the event that the Buyer who did not receive the goods repeats his order through the ETO-design.hr online store, the Seller withholds the right to refuse the further processing of the order as well as the right for payment.
ETO-design withholds the right not to send orders with an incorrect/incomplete contact details as well as orders with an e-mail/telephone that are not being answered.
Transfer of ownership over the ordered products occurs in the moment of handover of the goods to the delivery service.
ETO-design is not responsible in the event that the Buyer did not correctly enter the delivery address, and that for this reason the package did not arrive to its proper destination. ETO-design is not responsible if you do not receive the notice regarding the change of status of the order/ the delivery of the package due to issues with your e-mail service.
In the event that you are not present at the delivery address, it is your responsibility to withdraw the package within 5 working days from the delivery service offices in the time determined by the delivery service, or to arrange a new delivery should the delivery service offer that option.
It is the Buyer’s duty to ensure correct information about the delivery address and possible additional details connected to the delivery (for example, additional descriptions of the delivery address if this is not fully clear from the address itself). In the event of the absence of such information, the Seller shall organize the delivery of the goods as best as possible but shall not take any responsibility regarding the time or risks of the delivery.
The Buyer is obliged to check for possible breakages at the time of delivery and immediately point them out to the delivery person and to refuse to accept the delivery. In such a case the delivery is returned to the Seller and the Buyer is sent a new package.
According to the laws of the Republic of Croatia, particularly the Law of Obligations, ETO-design is responsible for the material defects of the products it sells on its web pages.
The products ordered are packaged in such a way that they are not damaged by normal handling in transport/delivery.
In the event that a package is damaged in transport, such damage is visible during the handing over of the package and we suggest that the Buyer does not accept it. We ask Buyers to contact us in order that we can check the condition of the package and send a replacement as soon as possible.
In the event of a visible product defect at the time of delivery, the Buyer is not obliged to accept the goods, but should refuse them and will not bear the cost of delivery of such a product. It is held that the products that were accepted by the Buyers did not have any visible defects.
Following delivery of the goods, it is up to the Buyer to check the correctness of the order and to compare the articles received with the invoice, and should anything be missing to send a written complaint to the Seller within eight days since later complaints will not be considered.
With the refusal to accept the delivery, the delivery service will return the package to the Seller with a note that the package is incomplete. In the event that the package contains a hidden defect (one that could not be discovered by the simple examination during the handing over of the delivery) that is found once the Buyer opens up the items in the package – the Buyer has the right to a unilateral termination of the contract and refund of monies, the exchange of the product, the repair of the item or a discount.
The Buyer has the right to a justified complaint and return of goods in the following cases:
- Delivery of goods that were not ordered
- Delivery of goods with defects or damage that did not occur in transport
The term for lodging a complaint is 8 days from the receipt of the package.
The Buyer is to send the complaint to e-mail reklamacije@ETO-design.hr under the title REKLAMACIJA PO NARUDŽBI (no. of order).
ETO-design will confirm the receipt of the complaint in writing straightaway, and according to article 10, page 5 of the Consumer Protection Law, their reply has to be received within 15 (fifteen) days of the complaint.
In the event of a justified complaint, the Buyer has the right to terminate the contract and a refund or an exchange for an undamaged and valid product.
ETO-design will accept the return of delivered goods at their own cost in the event that the complaint is justified and that the Buyer did not interfere with the validity, damage or any defect of the product. In the event of a justified complaint, the cost of exchange of the product with a new one will be covered entirely by ETO-design.
We do not accept the return of valid used goods.
The Consumer can, without stating a reason, unilaterally terminate this contract within 14 days of its conclusion or receipt.
The right to a one-sided termination of agreement starts from the date of delivery, that is, the date of personal collection of the shipment.
In order to achieve their right to a one-sided termination of contract, the Consumer has to notify the Seller in writing about the termination. The notice has to be written on a permanent medium and contain the data given below, and can be delivered as a letter sent by post or as e-mail.
Should the Consumer be making use of their one-sided termination, they will not bear any related costs except for the direct costs of the return of goods and that of the impairment of goods.
The refund can be effectuated only once the goods have been returned or once we receive proof that the goods have been posted to us.
A copy of the form for the one-sided termination of contract can be filled in and sent electronically.
We shall send you a receipt of a one-sided termination of contract straightaway by e-mail.
Notification of a one-sided termination of contract for A1 format j.d.o.o., D. Bazjanca 29, 10000 Zagreb, reklamacije@ETO-design.hr,
I, _________________________________________________ (name and surname of Consumer) from ___________________________________________________ (address of Consumer: town, street, number) state here that I am unilaterally terminating the agreement about the purchase of the following goods: ____________________________________________________________ (fill in the name of the product) according to the invoice no. or order no. ____________________ (fill in the number of the document) received on _____________________. (fill in date)
In _____________________ (town/place) on _____________________. (date).
__________________________ Signature of Consumer (only if this form is filled in on paper).
In the event that for whatever reason you are unhappy, you can send a complaint to the firm A1 format j.d.o.o..
A1 format j.d.o.o. allows for written complaints sent by registered mail to the address A1 format j.d.o.o., D. Bazjanca 29, 10000 Zagreb or by e-mail to reklamacije@ETO-design.hr
Please state the order number, the invoice number or your e-mail address in order for us to find the actual order about which you have a complaint. A1 format j.d.o.o. will confirm the receipt of your complaint in writing without delay, and by Law the reply has to reach you within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of your complaint.
By special EU regulation of 15.02.2016, it will be possible to resolve disputes connected to online purchases throughout the EU on the ODR platform, which you can access here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=HR
This means that should you come across a problem during online shopping within the EU (defective product, inability to replace products etc.) you can send your complaint in a faster and easier way to the above link.
The platform may be used by both consumers and merchants, and the complaint can be sent in any of the 23 official EU languages.
The product photographs are for illustration only and do not always and in every detail have to correspond to the products being ordered. The Seller specially emphasizes that the visual identity of the product shown on the photograph does not have to correspond to the look of the product in reality, particularly due to the settings on the Buyer’s computer, the difference in the perception of colours as the Buyer sees them on his monitor etc.
The above potential disharmony between the products shown on the photographs and those that are delivered is not a matter to be seen as a defect with the product.
Information about products (description, price etc.) shown on the Seller’s online store web site are subject to unintentional errors, irregularities in the functioning of the application, other technical irregularities, typographical errors and similar. In the event of obvious errors or irregularities regarding the information on products shown in the online store, the Seller reserves the right to unilaterally terminate agreements.
The Seller is not responsible to the Buyer or recipient for minor scratches on products and damage to the packaging which occurred as a result of delivery of the goods by the delivery service, providing that the scratches and damage to packaging and other smaller defects do not have an impact on the basic properties and usability of products.
The Privacy Policy and the Personal data protection are described on the Privacy Policy page.
The user bears the consequential damage for the use of products for a function that is inconsistent with their proper purpose.
By accepting these conditions of sale, the Buyer agrees to these provisions and agrees that they form part of the sale-purchase contract.
By confirming the purchase, the Buyer confirms to have read these Terms of Business, agrees with them and that they are a constituent part of the agreement of sale.